
Our PWL prices are subject to change. As of 2024, our 1-micrometer, 4-cup PWL-2 is under $2,300 and additional cup assemblies are under $40 each. To inquire about purchasing a PWL or for information on other tools, please visit the contact us page.

Please also visit the contact us page to request more information about our TATKs or to reach out to EDS Measurement Systems regarding their CATs and EAMPs.

Note: PWLs and TATKs are made by EDS Precision Systems of Pittsburgh, PA and Equipment Development Services of Schenectady, NY. No other individuals or companies are authorized to produce, sell, import, or repair our products or use our logos or names. If you encounter anything questionable, please help a small business out and let us know. Selling, purchasing, or renting a replica or knockoff directly or as part of a service is a violation of our patent. Click here to learn more about our patent protection.